Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Design 4 Media: Studio Project (Step 4a)

Well, as long as I've been using animation programs I've been hating them. For some reason image editing programs (such as Photoshop) have always come easy, and then as soon as I find myself on a program that deals with animation of some sort I am simply struck dumb. It's like another language to me. Anyways, now I can add Flash to the list of programs that make me want to pass out/scream/vomit simultaneously. So now that I've gotten that out of the way, here's what I've been up to.

I got myself the 30 day trial of Flash so that I could play around with at home and have plenty of time to experiment with it (I live a decent distance from campus). I took some of the sketches that I did for my animation and inked them and scanned them into my comp to edit them on photoshop. For now, since I was simply trying things out, I didn't apply all the colors or the pattern. I did seperate the layers of my character from the background so that she could be movable (atleast I knew that had to be done...). I imported them into flash and proceeded to fool around blindly for awhile (with a little help from some basic tutorials) and finally did something. This sad, choppy, uninspired little animation took me WAY longer then it should have. Especially because nothing is really happening. Obviously this is not what I'm going for when it comes to my actual animation, I was just getting the feel of the basics of movement, layers, and frames in flash.

I, ofcourse, was not satisfied with this. I tried to find a way to make things smoother, and somehow ended up figuring out tweening and fade transitioning. Ofcourse this little test animation is not what I want my final product to be like either, but atleast its better then the first sad little animation.

This, I can tell, is going to be rather difficult. Still, Flash is now at least looking a little less intimidating to me. It would probably be easier to make the different parts of her body indivual layers and thus seperately editable, or something like that. I don't know if I'd know how to go about that or not, not until I give it a try that is.

1 comment:

Charlotte said...

Yes, you are correct! Construct her into separate layers so that is functions like a puppet. I know that another program is probably not what you want to tackle right now, but After Effects has a puppet tool which can really make things easier (if you are familiar with "rigging"--moving the torso and the feet stay planted--then you will really like this feature).
I believe in your skills--you can do this (whether Flash or AE). Just keep swimming!