Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Design 4 Media: Studio Project (Step 3)

For the Judge Phase I showed my work to different people and asked them to tell me what they were thinking about it as they thought it.

These are some of the critiques I recieved:
~doll looks like Korn rabbit (I was not familiar with this so I looked it up and tried to find a rabbit that looked similar to mine, but was unsuccesful)
~depressing story (This was mentioned several times and I will discuss it further below)
~is she wearing a raincoat? (Three people were not completely sure what she was wearing; whether it was a raincoat or a dress or a hoodie. This is not completely important to me)
~straight edges drawn around character are more effective then rounded-rounded makes her look too lollipop-like
~girl or boy? (the question of Em's gender comes up a few times, but I had planned the character to be non gender-specific, it's up to the viewer's interpretation)
~the bunny is cute but some people might find it creepy (one person mentioned this, others didn't think so)

Common positive critiques and other miscellaneous critiques:
~like damask pattern on hoodie
~simple colors work well; no more color is needed
~scribbly style works well
~reminiscent of Edward Gorey
~bunny looks worn out "long day" (this is good because it's supposed to)
~Em looks innocent
~pink background works well, most favor it to yellow

After some discussion, someone offered an interesting change in the story so as not to make it so depressing. They suggested that the bratty girl that comes up and takes the doll away from her only does so because she doesn't want anyone else to have it, but then discards it when shes away from Em. Possibly throwing it away. Then, Em can walk over and pick the bunny doll up, being able to keep it instead of being left alone.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Design 4 Media: Studio Project (Step 2b)

Since last week I explored color and pattern on various versions of Em and picked one that I felt work the best, this week I expanded on that. I drew this version of Em that I chose as the final version, or atleast, the one I feel works best for what I'm trying to convey in my animation. I also came up with what type of story I'd like to do. The basic backbone of my short animation is that Em is walking alone, until she comes across a beat up old stuffed animal on the ground. She takes an immediate liking to it, seeming to identify with it. As she holds it close to her though and gives it a hug, another girl comes up and claims that it's her doll, taking it away from Em and leaving her once again by herself. I worked on various sketches along this storyline to give/get a basic feel of imagery. I did quick sketches of Em by herself to kind of set the mood of the story, and also with the stuffed animal. When she comes across it by herself, when she finds it, her reaction, and then when it is taken back away from her.

Then, I selected some of these sketches and brought them into Photoshop, using the same design elements as I had before. I did try a few different things to make sure that what I was doing was right for the story/mood. I attempted a yellow surrounding instead of pink, but found that I didn't think it worked as much as the pink did. I think that the more simple the color pallet for this project the more it works. So, I will most likely mainly stick to black, white, and pink. I'm not completely sure about this yet, however.